The Victorian Government has introduced legislation into the Parliament to create Infrastructure Victoria, a new independent body that will be tasked with ensuring Victoria’s immediate and long-term infrastructure needs.
A landmark reform, Infrastructure Victoria will take short term politics out of infrastructure planning, and keep the pipeline of major projects full to grow our economy and create jobs.
Infrastructure Victoria will consult widely, consider the needs of the whole state and prioritise the projects that deliver the best results.
Once established, Infrastructure Victoria will be required to publicly release a 30-year Infrastructure Strategy detailing short, medium and long-term infrastructure needs and priorities.
In response, the Government will be required to develop a five-year Infrastructure Plan outlining priority projects and funding commitments. Infrastructure Victoria will assess the Government’s progress against this plan.
The expert body will also support government decisions by assessing business cases for major projects, and publishing research on a range of infrastructure issues from schools, hospitals, water, arts and cultural facilities.
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