Italferr is the first Italian engineering company to achieve BIM certification for its design, procurement, and direction of works activities. This certification attests to the fact that Italferr is able to correctly and competently manage its activities, using the BIM methodology. Evidence of this competence, is an element of distinction and excellence in the market.
Starting with 2019 contracting stations will be obliged to make use of Building Information Modelling for all works with a cost of more than one hundred million. The gradually, until 2025, this obligation will be extended to contracts at lower levels in terms of cost, until this way of working is introduced for the entire public works system.
Bim is a new computer system for building processes that is revolutionizing the world of civil projects and major construction works. The company’s CEO, Carlo Carganico, said that, “this methodology, in which Italferr is a leader, enables us to be a step ahead of our competitors and, most of all, to assure more integrated planning to guarantee better quality as well as faster timing and lower costs compared in the entire cycle of a project’s life”.
It is a method with benefits for planners as well as for the final users. Italferr cited as an example a railway station.
“Bim is fundamental because it enables a more effective and targeted maintenance, starting with all information within the station’s model, which generates huge advantages if it is extended to the whole railway or road infrastructure”, said Italferr.
The implementation of Bim also has economic advantages, the company explained. The methodology allows to cut costs and the benefits include planning and construction as well as maintenance.
With a Bim model available, a simple tablet would be enough to visualize the construction site digitally, verifying the stage of construction, controlling in real time how construction is progressing and monitoring all phases, immediately implementing changes, if necessary.
Italferr has planned with Bim some of the most complex connections in Italy, including parts of the Naples-Bari itinerary (Apice-Hirpinia, Hirpinia-Orsara and Orsara Bovino), the maintenance system of Bologna’s rail material, the renovation of buildings of Florence Romito and the railway connection between the Venice-Trieste line and Venice’s Marco Polo airport.
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