Located in the south of Romania, Craiova is one of the large cities in Romania with almost 300,000 inhabitants and, as any other urban area, is confronted with significant challenges specific to a city in full development, the transport segment being one of the most important factors that trigger economic growth and urban development. The authorities are thus trying to launch projects and activities aimed to develop mobility and promote a sustainable local transport, especially since Craiova was named one of the future competitiveness poles, next to other important Romanian cities.
As part of the Integrated Plan for Urban Development of Craiova Metropolitan Area – Craiova 2025 growth pole development vision – increasing the accessibility and developing mobility are key elements in the development of Craiova city.
In December 2012, Craiova inaugurated the international airport after carrying out the modernisation and rehabilitation project. This was a project of major importance for the city. Its modernisation will help increase the traffic flow which will generate the necessity to develop the urban transport system and an intermodal transport platform to permit shifting passenger traffic from road to urban rail transport means. Thus, the authorities plan to upgrade the 11km tram line with investments amounting to EUR 9.5 Million. They also consider the development strategy consisting of a network of tram lines to complete the already existing network and meet the city’s increasing mobility needs.
Craiova Urban Transport Operator wants to submit to the Municipality a project which includes the construction of a new tram line that would form a ring connected to the existing line and that would link all the important areas of the city, including Craiova Airport, through a 3.5km extension of the current tram line to the airport.
“The line will be developed on the south-west, west-north, north-east axis, will cross the main arteries of the city and industrial regions which require the development of the transport system for the citizens who need mobility in these areas, starting from the south area from Facai district, to Raului Street and then crossing through a passageway the area known by Craiova’s residents as Balta Craioviţei, entering the district and out in Dacia Blvd and will intersect with the old tram line in the area of Electroputere Bridge. If the project is implemented, the tram network will double reaching over 20 km of double track”, declared Alin Goga, General Manager of the public transport operator.
Although EUR 150 Million are necessary, EUR 45-50 Million of which for the acquisition of new rolling stock, “the investment would be very useful and profitable due to cost efficiency and to the massive ease of traffic in the city centre. For example, if current diesel fuel costs for transport vehicles amount to around EUR 4 Million, this sum would be significantly reduced if the power necessary to the operation of 20 trams was of EUR 150 Thousand/year. Also, costs with vehicles currently providing for the transport of passengers amount to EUR 1 Million (spare parts, oils etc.), and should we buy new trams, costs would reduce to only EUR 100 Thousand. Apart from these features, we are also considering the efficiency, rapidity and performance of transport which are far more significant in the case of rail urban transport”, explained Goga.
If the municipality approves the project, it could be included in the budget for 2014-2020 and 98% of the financing would be ensured from non-reimbursable European funds.
The development of the project will radically change the urban aspect and the structure of the entire transport system in Craiova and will stimulate the shift of passengers to the rail transport system, as well as the modernisation of Craiova’s infrastructure to the level of the most advanced cities in Europe.
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