First tender for Mumbai-Ahmedabad HSR station launched

India’s National High Speed Rail Corporation (NHSRCL) has announced a tender on the design and construction of Sabarmati Terminal for Mumbai-Ahmedabad HSR. 5 October 2018 is the deadline for submitting the bids.
The tender envisages the design and construction of the terminal hub with all required services for transport services in Ahmedabad. This is the first tender for a station under the high speed railway project.
According to NHRCL, after a pre-bid meeting, 16 Indian-based companies are interested in the construction of the terminal, which is estimated between USD 42-56 million.
The Sabarmati hub is the terminus station for those boarding the train from the Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai.
The Mumbai-Ahmedabad HSR project is estimated at USD 16 billion of which 80% is covered by Japan through JICA. Construction works for the 500-km line started in December 2017 and are scheduled to be completed by 2022.

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