Bane NOR replaces Jernbaneverket

bane-nor_scanpix-jernbane-bjorvika_full_articleBane NOR was officially launched in January 2017 replacing Jernbaneverket as Norway’s rail infrastructure manager. The event, organised at Oslo Sentral Station, was attended by the Transport Minister, Ketil Solvik-Olsen. The decision to launch Bane NOR is part of the plans comprised in the Norwegian railway reform and it was first stated in 2015. In May 2015 the Norwegian Government presented a new railway reform as a step towards a better railway passenger services and rail freight industry.

Bane NOR will be responsible for daily management and maintenance of infrastructure of the national rail network as well as traffic management. In addition, a Railway Directorate has been established to deal with overall management, planning and provision of mainline services. The Directorate will be owned by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and together with Bane NOR replaces Jernbaneverket.

Bane NOR has been given responsibility for the planning, construction, management, operation and maintenance of the national rail network, traffic management, as well as management and development of railway properties.

Bane NOR president, Gorm Frimannslund, believes development costs should be reduced by 10 to 15 percent after the reorganization and closure of Jernbaneverket.


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