Gazprom has announced that next year will start a full-scale development of Yamal’s Kharasaveyskoye field, which is located north of Bovanenkovskoye, mostly onshore in the Yamal Peninsula and partly offshore in the basin of the Kara Sea.
Currently, Kharasaveyskoye has a utility system with a camp for shift workers and an auxiliary power station. The pre-development project envisages the construction of a comprehensive gas treatment unit, a booster compressor station, clusters of producing gas wells, and transport and power infrastructure. Offshore wells will be drilled from onshore.
To implement this development project, during a meeting, a particular attention was paid to shipping logistics for the pre-development of Kharasaveyskoye. Over 1.5 million tonnes of equipment and materials will be delivered to the field during the construction period. In winter, it is planned to use for that purpose the Obskaya – Bovanenkovo railway line, as well as a road connection, and during summer, the shipments to the Kharasavey port station will be delivered by sea and river transport.
By now, two gas production facilities are successfully operating at the Bovanenkovskoye field, which forms the basis of the Yamal center. This year will see the launch of the third and final gas production facility, which will bring the field to its design production capacity of 115 billion cubic meters of gas per year.
Yamal Peninsula has a strategic importance to the Russian gas industry and the long-term reliability of gas supplies to consumers. In this region, Gazprom established and systematically develops a major new gas production center.
For transport development, last year, Russian Railways and Gazprom signed an agreement on the joint implementation of the Northern Latitudinal Railway (NLR) construction project, which envisages the establishment of direct connection between the Severnaya and Sverdlovskaya railways. The NLR will be 707-km long and will have the annual tonnage capacity of about 24 million tonnes of cargo. The total cost of the project is USD 2.6 billion and the rail bridge over the Ob river (an important component of the project) is estimated at USD 957 million.
The future Northern Latitudinal Railway concessionaire is currently completing the design and survey work in order to begin construction works in 2019 which will be completed in 2023. All the documents necessary to start the construction of the Northern Latitudinal Railway were ready for submission to the Government of the Russia, for a decision.
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