Tampere approves LRT project

tampereTampere City Council voted by a majority of 41-25 to approve the light rail project that will have a EUR 238.8 million budget, in the first phase. The State is committed to supporting the EUR 71 million in the construction of the LRT.
Under the first phase, the line will connect Hervanta and the University Hospital. The plan is to later extend the route to Tampere’s Lentävänniemi suburb. The network will include the construction of two lines with a route measuring 23.5 km, 33 stations, serving 48,000 passengers a day.
This June, European Investment Bank announced that it may allot EUR 165 million loan for the construction of the first city’s tramway line.
In June 2015, the City has selected Tralli, a consortium comprising Pöyry, VR Track and YIT, to carry out a light rail project. Transtech was selected to supply the light rail vehicles for phase one of its new tram network.

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