In the period through 2021, the experts forecast for the world rail market anticipate a rise of 2.6 percent per year, taking the market volume up to about EUR 185 billion. Asia Pacific will continue to account for the biggest portion of the growth (32%), followed by Western Europe (26%). Western Europe leads in the growth stakes with 3.1 percent, just edging ahead of Africa/Middle East with 3 percent. Asia Pacific’s growth averages 2.6 percent, with Russia/CIS bringing up the rear with 0.9 percent.
At global level, the rail supply market volume hit a record level of nearly EUR 160 billion euros in 2015, sayd the sixth UNIFE World Rail Market Study, conducted by Roland Berger and commissioned by the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE).
“This study confirms that the attractiveness of rail transport as a reliable and efficient means of travel is steadily rising. Megatrends like population growth and the global increase in urbanisation will ensure that the demand for rail investments will continue to grow, especially in urban areas. Nevertheless, UNIFE is concerned by the decline in market accessibility across the globe and especially in certain Asian markets which are slowly closing to outside suppliers,” Philippe Citroën, Director General of UNIFE, said, during InnoTrans trade fair in Berlin.
Photo: OBB/Posch
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