Sydney Metro budget committed

sydneyNew South Wales government will provide USD 4.6 billion for Sydney Metro City & Southwest and USD 4.3 billion for Sydney Metro Northwest over the next 4 years, with both stages now fully funded. The 2016-17 funding for Sydney Metro City & Southwest includes the tender process for twin tunnels from Chatswood to Sydenham and early construction work in 2017, including building demolitions and planning and design work.
The 2016-17 funding for Sydney Metro Northwest includes laying tracks and building eight new metro stations, procurement of Sydney’s new fully-automated metro trains and ongoing construction of the 4 km skytrain.
The USD 6.2 billion Sydney Metro Northwest is the first stage of Sydney Metro while the second stage, Sydney Metro City & Southwest, has an expected cost of between USD 8.6 billion and USD 9.3 billion.
Construction crews have started laying the tracks for Sydney Metro Northwest, which is scheduled to open in the first half of 2019. The first tunnel boring machine for Sydney Metro City & Southwest will be in the ground before the end of 2018, with services expected to start in 2024.

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