SYSTRA announced the acquisition of Dalco Elteknik AB, an engineering company specialising in railway systems and one of the market leaders in railway signalling. This acquisition reinforces SYSTRA’s skills and resources, enabling the company to offer comprehensive railway system services to both the Swedish and wider Scandinavian markets.
Specializing in railway signalling, Dalco Elteknik AB’s services include design services, planning, assessment, reviewing, capacity analysis and project management. Dalco Elteknik AB has managed more than 1,200 projects, particularly for Trafikverket, the Swedish road and railway infrastructure manager, Stockholms läns landsting, the transit organiser for the Stockholm area, as well as for manufacturers.
“With Dalco Elteknik AB, SYSTRA also gains a platform to expand our activities throughout the Scandinavian countries,” Pascal Mercier, SYSTRA’s senior vice-president for Northern Europe, said.
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