Services provided by the united transport and logistics company of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are in demand, BelTA learned from Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways.
“The project has gone beyond simple work. The first contract has been signed with the world’s top logistics company DHL. It was a letter of intent and it quite works. I received letters from Switzerland regarding postal items,” said the Russian Railways president. Efforts are exercised to prevent internal competition inside Russian Railways. The fact confirms that there is demand for the services of the united transport and logistics company, stated Vladimir Yakunin.
In turn, Head of Belarusian Railways Vladimir Morozov also confirmed demand for services of the united transport and logistics company. In his words, the recent meetings with the China president in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus indicated that everyone is interested in implementing the project. The executive specified that there is interest on the part of customers within the framework of the project to build the China-Belarus Industrial Park and its infrastructure in Belarus.
Yet Vladimir Morozov pointed out it is necessary to address customs service matters and border service matters at the state level on the part of all the participants of the united transport and logistics company. “Taking into account the Single Economic Space, we should create a system of special attitudes to transit. Transit should be facilitated as much as possible,” believes the Head of Belarusian Railways.
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