KTZ presented to Kazahstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev new industrial objects that consist in Aktobe rail plant, dry port in the free economic zone “Khorgos-Eastern Gate” and engineering cluster in free economic zone of Astana.
Leader of Industrialization, KTZ, annually opens newobjects of mechanical engineering, logistics and transit, implementing the orders of the President in the field of economic development.
Aktobe rail plant is an innovative company, built by KTZ jointly with private investors. ”This is the first plant in Kazakhstan, which produces the rails. This is very important because we have a lot railways to build, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Dry Port at the border with China opens up great prospects for processing and shipment of goods in transit through Kazakhstan. This is a huge and long-awaited project carried out jointly by agreement with top leaders of China and Kazakhstan.
In general, the FEZ “Khorgos – Eastern Gate” in conjunction with the technological railway lines Zhetygen – Khorgas and Zhezkazgan – Beineu, road corridor and the port of Aktau creates a powerful cross-border logistics distribution center, provides further integration of Kazakhstan into the global trade and transportation.
In the free economic zone “Astana – new city”, together with international brands of railway engineering, KTZ implemented the projects on the production of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and passenger cars.
Another important industrial project is “Locomotive Kurastyru zauyty” that operates a full cluster of railway engineering.
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